
Apartment Therapy -Week 6

I skipped week 5, the office, because I am going to do it later.

I have been working on the bathroom.
Before: The sink is a mess. There is a lot of stuff that doesn't belong and too much crap that need to get thrown away.

I am not completely finished but I did throw away all the holey torn towels and donated all the ugly blankets. I only kept my favorites and a couple of nice ones that will be replaced as I find better ones I love.

I was able to condense most of the top and bottom linen cabinets into one. Next I moved all of the bath products, brushes, etc. to the top linen cabinet. I am buying new baskets to keep them organized. Only the stuff I use everyday made it into the medicine cabinet.

I ended up putting the green plate in the outbox

I have since painted that cool mirror white.

Things are looking so much better.

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