Sunday Scribblings
I am actually afraid of change. I like to have a set plan and I like everything to go as I plan it. I know this doesn't happen though. I have many things that I would like to change. I don't really like to do New Years Resolutions but I do like to make a plan for the next year. Mostly what I would like to accomplish during the coming year. This coming year is going to be full of change and as much as I fear it, I am very excited too.
This year I would like to loose 20 more pounds and become more active. I want my muscles to feel like a 24 year old, not a 44 year old.
I want to transfer to a 4 year university. I will find out where I am accepted sometime in the Spring.
I want to get my home more streamlined. Less stuff. More space for what I love, less clutter.
I want to get Pumpkin potty trained. We are actually working on that now. She has been wearing big girl underwear for most of the day. I am trying to get her to pee in the potty but no luck so far.
I want us all to eat more healthy and I want to take care of and pamper myself more.
I want to get my finances in order and pay off some of my debts.
I want to get more adult time to myself. I am so involved in Pumpkin that I forget what being an adult in my 20s is all about.
I want to start taking more pictures and maybe start a food blog (I am thinking about it).
That's all I can think of so far.
Tutorial Carnival 2
Dec 25, 2006
Wristlet Tutorial by Your Only Bored When
Elf Shoe by Allsorts
Monogramming by Craft Apple
Fabric Flower by Heather Bailey
Kiddley.com is always updating their Tutorials
Jan 16th, 2007
Wall Garland by Your Only Bored When
Drawstring Bag by Happy Things
Jan 18th, 2007
Huge List of Clothing Tutorials from Craftster.org
April 1st, 2007Pet Collar by Penny Sanford
Zakka Pouch by Black Dog Designs
Tube Skirt by Miss Twiss
Fabric Box by All Buttoned Up
Box Bag By DragoKnit
Front Zipper Pouch by Thimble
April 13th, 2007
Feltland's Animal patterns
Merry Christmas
Unexpectadly Blessed This Year
I had a tenant move out of the complex I manage and she was moving across country unexpectedly. Well she couldn't take most of her things so she gave away everything in her apartment. Since I am the manager I get first pickings. I scored an awesome solid wood end table and a small solid wood dresser. Both are very antique-y with their old drawer pulls and hinges.
I got a BEAUTIFUL!!!!! handmade quilt. OH MY !!!!! This is the most beautiful quilt. I LOVE it. It is very romantic Victorian with roses, cream, and antique green. Beautiful roses and a curvy edge. I will take some pics of it as soon as I can. I am going to be using it to design my bedroom.
The best present is that my maintenance guy for my apartment used to be a commercial photographer. Not only did he fix my camera (its in testing phase to make sure its fixed) but her offered to help me with my skills. Said he would show me all sorts of stuff! That is the greatest gift I could have gotten.
Pumpkin got some toys from friends and a great blanket made by a good friend of mine. A new jacket and some other clothes. She got a tricycle from the woman who moved.
Cowboy got the least amount of stuff. I really want to do something nice for him for Yule. I am not sure what I can do but I need to think of something. Any ideas? I appreciate him so much and I want him to know how much I love him.
Sunday Scribblings- Anticipation
Things I am anticipating
1. Moving to UC Santa Cruz next fall. If I get in (crossing fingers)
2. Finishing my AA in June.
3. Watching my 2 year old daughter blow out the candles for the first time.
4. Watching her eat the cake.
5. I can wait until my sweetie finally finds what he wants to do as a career, without his father trying to stop him.
6. Am I a bad person for anticipating the death of a person. Even an abusive person? I am sad that I feel this way but... there is no excuses I guess. I just hate the man. For more info see my rant.
7. Oh course I cant wait for Christmas!
8. I started the Cure on Apartment Therapy and I cant wait to finish! Buy the book! Its fantastic!
9. I started selling my extra books on Amazon.com and I already had one sell! I am hoping to thin out my collection this way and make some money on the side.
10. I cant wait to see my baby get bigger.... but at the same time I want her to stay this young forever.
On a side note I do enjoy baking and today I baked 4 dozen gingersnaps and made enough chocolate ganache for over 100 truffles and I finished 4 dozen of them already! I cant wait to start baking tomorrow! I still have chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter cookies, and sugar cookies to make, fudge, peppermint bark, and brownies to make too! So much to do! So much Fun!
Fabric Finding
I am not sure what kind of purse I will be making but I am fashioning a pattern in my head that reminds my of Audrey Hepburn. Simple, stylish, classic, but fun.
The pin is beautiful in person. The colors match the fabric beautifully and the shape brings out the flower shapes in the fabric.
Recently Finished Projects
The brown bag is my new favorite pattern. My sister bought this really cute little purse and I created my own pattern from it. It is different from her purse but I love how it came out. I made the pattern my own. I have made 3 more purses from this patten which I don't have pics of but you will see them soon. I am soooooo mad at myself about this particular purse. I screwed it up majorly. It is made of embroidered moleskin and I had a brain fart and ironed the flap to close it. Here is what happened. I cant believe I did that. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix it? It is right on the top of the bag where the flap folds. I haven't figured anything out yet An applique is my only option, I think and that will be difficult. Let me know if you have any ideas!
Holiday Hospital Visit
I should be getting my pics tomorrow. Hopefully I will have much stuff in the shop for Christmas gifts (sorry for the shameless self promotion but, I have a lot of great creations I want to share with the world... okay okay, my hubby thinks I spend too much money on crafting so I need to support my habit).
I also made some zipper coin pouches and make up bags. They look okay. I will be giving the fist several I make away until I feel that they are good enough to sell in my store. I am pretty picky about what is good enough to go to my store.
I took a bunch of pictures today. I probably wont get them up for a couple of days but they are worth it. I will also be adding a bunch of items to my etsy store, just in time for Christmas.
Speaking of Christmas... I am so jealous of all of you bloggers with snow! I cannot wait until I move to another place that has snow every year. Not much but something! Something that sticks! It probably wont snow here again this year. It has been below freezing but the combo of wet weather and freezing temps doesnt happen very much around the desert.
Actually Cowboy and I have been talking over the last year about where we will eventually want to settle down. We have both decided that this town is NOT where we want to stay. What we are looking for is a smaller town, open minded, with character, friendly people, on the West Coast, it must have all 4 seasons, it must be green (I have lived in a desert my whole life), good schools, safe, beautiful. Does this sound like your town? I am looking at Northern Ca, Oregon, and Washington. I have been to WA and I loved it. I stayed in Bremerton when my boyfriend, at the time, was stationed at the Naval Base there. Everyone was so friendly. I hated So California when I came back. I never realized how rude people are here. I am not saying that everyone is rude here, just that it was very different in WA.
I will bring you picks of what I am working on soon!
Check out the Tutorial list. I have updated it a bit.
I Did It!!!
About 2 months ago I asked for 4 days off at work. Not 4 days in a row... 4 days during the next month. Suddenly I check my schedule and I was given the whole month off... I begged and pleaded to get my hours back because there was some mistake. I got about 15 hours back combined. Since then, I was taken out of my department, without asking me. They cut my hours per week in half. And they started scheduling me on times and days that made it difficult for me to get to work. I asked every manager in the store and the store manager to fix this but everyone seemed to think there wasn't a problem. Well I was having trouble keeping food in the house so Yes there was a problem!
This morning, I Quit. I have been completely stressed out about this for months and this last weekend I could hardly sleep. Last nights post sealed the deal. It was unhealthy for me to continue working in that environment. I didn't need that stress. I have applied for another job that I will probably get and I am not worried. Cowboy is working and things have been getting better. I have been living with a sporadic paycheck from my work for months so we have found other ways of making ends meet.
I am so relieved. I am afraid that the main manager is going to call me later. But I plan on being honest with him. I can be a brutally honest person sometimes. That is also something I gained with Motherhood. I am no longer afraid to speak my mind and stand up for myself and my family.
Sunday Scribblings
I contemplated my life before I became a mother. I was more of a rebel. I miss that. I miss dying my hair burgundy and planning my next tattoo. I also miss being skinny. I never realized I was skinny until I gained weight while I was pregnant. I decided that perhaps a weight loss blog would help. I could post about my progress, how I eat and exercise and perhaps some motivations I find across the Internet. I developed my new blog called 16 to 7. Please visit it for me and give me some support. Thanks!
I also decided that I am going to dye my hair again. I haven't dyed it since I got pregnant. I am going burgundy again. I always had lots of compliments with it and I am hoping it can help jump start my transformation by inspiring me every time I look in the mirror. I have also become less spontaneous so I am going to try to bring more spontaneity into my life. Wish me luck!
Looking Up
Well it has been one year, almost, and things are better now. Cowboy and I are getting along great, money is not as good as last year but getting better. I think we are definitely happier this year as a family. I think our outlook on life is better and we are spiritually in a better place. I am looking forward to next year. It is going to be a year of great change for us.
I will be graduating from AVC and transferring to a UC Campus. We will be moving probably far away. But I think we will be happy still. We shall see where the world takes us.
Christmas is Coming
My friend sells partylite candles and she finally convinced me to sell them with her. She makes pretty good money doing it and she has loads of free stuff. I love partylite stuff too. I have another friend who sells it and the two of them are competitors. I hope she isnt mad for me signing under my other friend. I really hope she isnt mad.
Anyway, I have been thinking about Christmas decorating. Last year I had no decorations whatsoever. I had to buy everything so I only bought what we needed for our tree. This year I want to make some decorations but also buy some things that I cant make myself. Joanns has some great sales on decorations coming up soon and as long as I have some extra cash I am going to splurge on some. I am thinking of putting lights up around my window in the living room. Stockings near the fireplace, but I want some more.
Maybe I will make Christmas potholders to replace my everyday ones...
hmm... anyone have some other ideas? Maybe I will prowl Craftster for some inspiration.
Tutorial Carnival
Please let me know if you have a tutorial you would like to add to this list.
Doggie Leash by Anna Maria
Chenille Backed Blanket by Craft Apple
Corkboard Wall Pocket by Craft Apple
Patchwork Notebook Cover by Craft Apple
Quilted Cards by Craft Apple
Purse Organizer by The Giving Flower
Tutorials by Creative Little Daisy are found here -a craft apron, belt, purse, pillow, and keychain
Headband by Heather Bailey
Bittie Booties by Heather Bailey
Yo-Yos by Heather Bailey
Continuous Quilt Binding by Heather Bailey
Stuffed Mouse At Sewing Stars
A Cat Basket by il Bloggo
Pointy Kitty by Wee Wonderfuls
Pocket Bag by JuJu Loves Polka Dots
My Little Mochi Tutorials -Pincushion, kitty and rabbit, plus more
One Hour Craft has a lot of tutorials
Whipup.net has a long list of honored tutorials
Mundane Superhero's Tuts
Kitchen Cozies and Fabric Flowers at Wise Craft
Soft Tree Pattern from Little Birds
Blinds Tutorial by two straight lines
Molly Chicken's Tutorials
Craftypod Podcasts
Craft Sanity Podcasts
Apron Patterns at tie one on
What The Craft has a list of Tutorials
Craftster.org Purse, Bag, Wallet Tutorials List
Bubble Bag Tutorial
Pleated Tote Bag Tutorial
Mini Duffel Bags Tutorial
Camera Cozy Tutorial
Christmas Ornaments Tutorial
Stuffed Felt Monster
Stuffed Elephant
Vintage Plushie Patterns
New Added 11-29-06
Craftlog has lots of tutorials
Allsorts has a few tutorials
Apron Thrift Girl has a cool banner tut
Cloth Shoes Tutorial from Stardust Shoes
Blanket and Bags Tutorials from Happy Things
Shoulder Bag Tutorial from Tiny Happy
Tissue Holder from Whip Up
Zipper Pouch Tutorial from Twelve22
New Added 11-30-06
Origami Advent Calender by My Little Mochi
Create a Mantle Village via Kiddley
Actually Kiddley has quite a bit of various craft tutorials
Added 12-02-06
Tonia Cape via Craftzine
Hat by Curiously Crafty
Felt Garland A New Tutorial by Anna Maria
New Added 12-05-06
Front Zipper Pouch by Thimble
Personalized Labels
Installing an zipper pocket inside a purse
Flower Pincushion
ipod Cozy Tutorial from Julieree
Notebook Pencil Holder by One Red Robin
Jingle Bell Slippers, thanks to Martha Stewart
Make Up Bag Tut by Abyquilt
New Added 12-07-06
Christmas Crafts by Crafty Chica
Pocket Scarf by Cutting Edge Mag
Long List of Tutorials by Thimble
Gift Idea Tutorials in Craftster
List of Tutorials by Not Martha
Added 12-08-06
Owl Ornaments by Anna Maria
Placemat Pillows by Creative Little Daisy
Make and Grow a Loofa by Groovy Green
Yo-Yo Christmas Tree Ornament
Lots of Free Patterns at Sewing Stuff
Patterns for Period Clothing
Reversable Placemats from Martha Stewart
Strawberry Pincushions from Martha Stewart
Roving Angel by Echos of a Dream
Natural Dyes by Echos of a Dream
Added 12-09-06
Fabric Clockface by Creative Little Daisy
Felt Ornaments by Sunshine Creations
Added 12-15-06
Modge Podge Presents by Anna Maria
Santa Lucia Dolls by Posie Gets Cozy
Puffy Poppy Tutorial by Juju Loves Polka Dots
Thats just the tip of the iceburg. I have many more to add soon. Enjoy!
More Finished Stuff



Holiday Bazaar in Lancaster, Ca
Monday Nov 27th at 530-9pm. See you there!
Happy Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Cleaning is Spring Cleaning's Nightmare
I have been cleaning the house for most of the day. I set up our fish tank, vacuumed every tiny crevasse in the Dining room that my hubby and I organized last night. I still have several loads of laundry to put away, a bathroom to clean, bedroom to clean, kitchen to clean (the kitchens the worst off). So I have much to do.
I am sewing up some cute paisley clutches. I will post pics soon.
A Moment in Time

Now this type of tree coloration is not common where I am from. The city recently started planting more colorful trees as part of their beautification project. I think this is indeed beautiful.
So is this.

My little pumpkin playing in the leaves. She is... I love her. I hope everyone is blessed with a child they love.
Quilts in Progress


Please Excuse the Ranting
My poor husband has been helping his father, instead of getting a full time job, because he claims that he cannot do anything himself. BULL SHIT!!! I have seen you make your own food, drive yourself to the store. You are not an invalid. It is not Cowboys responsibility to help you until you die. I would gladly help you right into your coffin!
He claims that Cowboy doesn't have any goals. How can he! Everything he has ever wanted to do you have stopped! He wanted to go to LAW SCHOOL BUT YOU REFUSED TO LET HIM GO TO COLLEGE. What sort of parent refuses to allow his child to go to college. "Carry on the family business that you hate".
And his sister, who Cowboy had not seen or heard of in almost 20 years suddenly shows up and has the audacity to tell Cowboy that I am controlling him! No I wont let him drive 30 min. one way 2x a day for nothing when gas costs $2.50 a gallon! I make the damn money around here and I have more important things to spend it on... like food for my daughter! Yes Cowboy is going to celebrate his birthday with me because that's what he wants to do. You didn't even remember the right day! And yes some of my stuff is in the garage but you can throw it away, it is trash thanks to the thousands of mice that he refused to put traps out for and now the cat piss that is on everything. Throw it all away.
She is so misinformed she looks like a fool. And, like a fool, she doesn't even realize it! My religion is my business, my family is my business, my choice of school is my choice, everything in my life IS MY CHOICE and I don't give a rats ass if you don't like what I do. I DON'T CARE!!!
Take a hike off the cliff and take your psychotic father with you! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
Ok I feel better. Anyone want to adopt an aging psychopath and his fool of a daughter. Please I will ship them to you... on me.
Martha Is a Crafty Genius

Started A New Quilt
The first quilt I ever made was something I made up. Its a simple block quilt using several purple patterns. I have the quilt top done. I need to figure out how to do the rest. I am planning on taking it to Bolts in the Bathtub and asking them what to do next. I have the batting for it, but I still need the backing fabric and I need to figure out what I want to put on the edge. I was tossing around the idea of a simple solid purple bias binding. I was also thinking of using a bias binding that matched the fabric I used on the back. Or maybe I will have the sewn edge and no binding. I don't know...
Yesterday was my daughters first time Trick or Treating. We had a great time. I was exhausted though. After standing at a register for 8 hours I raced home 30 min late popped two Extra Strength Pain Relievers and a large cup of steaming Mango Black Tea (fully caffeinated) and raced back out the door. Cowboy, the big child he is, also went trick or treating. Yes he dressed up and collected candy with all the other kids, with a 4 day beard growing. I really tried to ignore it but for some reason it bothered me. I haven't figured out why... perhaps I feel like he needs to grow up in many respects. That probably has a lot to do with it. We had fun yesterday though.
Stay tuned for pics soon!
I am also working on a blog carnaval. I think they are a great way to share great sites with others. I have also become addicted to many awesome blogs and I want to share them with others.
Funny, I Have Been Thinking of You!

Isn't it funny though!
Today I ran into my best friend from high school and her mom. I have hardly seen either of them for 2-3 years. When I became pregnant with my pumpkin she sort of disappeared when I needed her most. She actually had a habit of doing that. Her mother on the other hand was the most wonderful women. She was like a second mom to me. I have been thinking of them often over the last couple weeks. The Celestine would say that there is some reason why I ran into her and I have been thinking of her. They invited me over to their house so I may stop by for a visit tonight. If not tonight then later this week. There must be some reason for my running into her. I wonder what it is??
I haven't been able to sew much in the last couple of days but I have done a lot of thinking about sewing. I had some brocade fat quarters that were laying around so I began to cut them up into 3in squares for a small quilt for my daughter.
I also went to the library and checked out a 101 quilts book. The name escapes me at the moment. Anyway, I came across a log cabin quilt in really ugly colors. I used my imagination to substitute the ugly colors with black and white patterns and blue mixed in. Just black, white, and blue. Its going to look really neat. Log cabin quilts are supposed to be really easy so I should have fun with it.
I am going to borrow my moms digital camera and take lots of pics of what I have made in the last few weeks. There are a few purses and some other neat stuff. I am begging Santa to bring me a new camera for Christmas. That's the only thing I want. And If we happen to be rich this holiday, a new computer would be nice.
Mood: Leaves Much To Be Desired

Wonderful New Fabrics Coming
Also look at her upcoming pattern for a halter apron. Its super sexy.
Finally Photos!!! Yeah!!!

They were easy to make. Cut 4 squares 5in by 5in. Cut the same of another fabric. Sew edges right sides together, but leave a hole to turn. Turn and iron flat. Tuck seam in hole and topstitch around the whole coaster. Make 3 more and you are done!




Betty Boop Bag
This one I wish I made with heavier facing. I haven't sewn the lining closed so I might go back and fuse some on. There is also going to be a big White button sewn on as the closure. This bag reminds me of Betty Boop goes to College.
Its very roomy and has a cute pocket.
These are my works in progress:


I was working on the one to the red one today. I was inspired by this great bag made by Creative Little Daisy who makes beautiful stuff. Please check out her site.
I am going to add a Denim Band and handle at the top. I am not sure what I am going to line it with yet. I am getting impatient with my fabric and I am itching for a fabric shopping spree. However I am poor right now. I might be able to stock up soon though so I am keeping my shopping list going.
The other one was inspired by a 20s style clutch I saw surfing the net. I am going to be adding a band an a magnetic closure on that one. Probably a flap too. I think I flap would make this bag pop.
Other things in the making? I made a wallet today that I liked so much I am keeping. I forgot to take a pic of it though. I am also working on another set of coasters that are Denim and the same plaid material that is lining the corduroy bag. Those ones I am thinking of embroidering with something country, like a cowboy hat and boots.
Hopefully it wont take so long to take pics next time. Let me know what you think!
My New Etsy.com Store

I am so excited to announce my new Etsy store! I have been making bags, belts, I-pod covers, Laptop bags, and much more. Nothing is in the store yet, but they will be there this week. Wish me luck and tell everyone to come check out my new store!
Happy Birthday To Me

Twenty Four years ago on this day, in 1982, my mother was in the hospital delivering the new life that became me.
Yes, its my birthday. Not the exciting milestone that a birthday was when I was a child or even a teenager. Its just another birthday to me.
What am I going to do today? Well I really don't know. This morning I am going to go fabric shopping with my mom. That will be fun. I am also going to pick up some free curtains from a guy who said I can have them. Great for me! Maybe we can go thrift store hunting. There is a thrift store down the street I have been wanting to visit. Everyday he puts really neat things outside in the front of his shop and I find myself slowing down traffic so I can see what he has out.
After fabric store shopping I don't know what I want to do. I originally wanted to go to Exposition Park to the museums for my birthday, but alas we were counting pennies out of my purse to buy diapers last night. Cowboys birthday is tomorrow so we wont be doing much for his birthday either. We decided that we will celebrate our birthdays at a later date. Then we can go do what we want to.
Wish me a good day today. Many happy sales.
Coffee With The Boss
Seriously crafty

What terrific sites! I have had so much inspiration from these two sites in the last few days and I have hardly scratched the surface! I also think everyone should check out Etsy. We should support the people who make things by hand. These people are seriously talented and you get quality work for great prices.
I am really hoping to have an Etsy site up soon. I have to get crackin on making stuff. Although I just added the Christmas Critter swap and the Ornament Swap to my list of things to do.
I was coming up with some ideas last night while I was laying in bed trying to calm my mind enough to sleep.
For the ornaments I came up with 3 ideas. I need 5 ornaments so I am almost there if I get all these done. I want to make a mini patchwork quilt. Just basic squares or bars. Something easy. I was thinking of using some scrap Christmas fabric. Joanns has all of their quilting fabric $1 off right now so I might go hit them up for ideas. I was going to use some ribbon for bias tape around the edges.
The second ornament might be too heavy for a tree, but I think it will work if I make it small enough. I was going to mosaic a small bell.
I have been thinking a lot about paper mache lately. I used to do it a lot when I was a kid. Its the fun messiness of it. Anyway I was thinking of making a paper mache ornament. I haven't come up with a shape. Then I would paint it.
I was contemplating sewing a little felt ornament and beading it too.
I better stop. Pumpkin isn't feeling well and she is pretty clingy today I am trying to get her to eat but she wont. I hate it when kids do that.
Bringing In Beauty and Peace

If you haven't read the Celestine Prophecy go to your bookstore right now and buy it. It is a wonderful, eye opening book. Today I was working on the 3rd Insight which focuses on the energy that connects all living things with the universe. It talks about how your thoughts are part of this energy and therefore you can affect your life by changing what you think about. The perfect example is my mom. She is a very negative person and I keep telling her that if she would only change her outlook that new opportunities would open up. I was talking to her on the phone today and the conversation was going fine until she started ranting about my stepfather and all of there problems. She never admits that any of these problems began because of her. I had to tune her out to deflect the negative energy that was pouring through the phone. I ended the conversation pretty quickly.
This morning I used this concept of absorbing energy from the universe and changing thoughts to improve my life. I have realized that I talk about being secure and wealthy as though it is far off in the future. What I need to project is that I am bringing in money now from different sources, this money is increasing and I need to take advantage of it. I am improving my life and I welcome more opportunities to improve my financial situation. That is a positive affirmation! I meditated on this concept for a few minutes. I was on my bed with the window open and the sun bathing me in its light. I absorbed the energy the sun gave me and I focused on my affirmation. I felt much more energized and positive after this.
The second thing I realized today is that my home and my life lacks the beauty I used to surround myself with. When I was younger my bedroom was a haven of books, artwork, statuettes, and the walls were painted a brilliant blue. I had trees right out my two large windows facing a view of the 1 acre property my parents owned. I loved my room and I spent most of my time there. Since I have been moving all over the place I have lost or damaged much of my belongings to the point that I don't have many beautiful things anymore. I have had a depression of sorts. I don't like most of the furniture in my apartment and there are only a couple small pieces of art on the walls.
So, today I made some small changes to make my bedroom more inviting and beautiful. I have a poster print of a Van Gogh painting that I like which I have been meaning to frame forever. Well today I thumb tacked it up on the wall. Not classy but better then nothing and it makes a difference. I also hung up a large scarf that has a really nice pattern on it. I have a throw that is brightly colored in blues and yellows which I covered my bed with.
Look in your own home and see what small things you can do to make it more beautiful.
Fall House Cleansing
Well its driving me nuts. I inherited my fathers white glove cleaning habits, but since I had Pumpkin and moved to my apartment its been a huge project to clear out. Cowboy and I would like to do a little entertaining this holiday season but there is no way I am inviting people over with the house like this.
I just don't know where to start! I mean the kitchen needs organization. I cant fit the microwave anywhere except where the phone has to be, so its shoved next to the fridge and its a huge pain to use it.
My dining room/library is horribly ugly. The books are piled on plastic white utility shelves. The only thing available when we moved in. I do have one good bookcase that I painted wine and shabby chic green. Wine is on the inside of the shelves. Now I am not sure if I like it. My tastes change quickly.
There is a window in the dining room/library that is covered with a book shelf. Besides the fact that its bad juju to block windows, I would like to have the light.
There is also a bunch of crap piled up under the table. The table has no chairs and I also use this room as my craft room so all of that stuff is in there too.
My desk is a mess of papers, office supplies, Cd's, pictures, and other assorted things that don't have a home elsewhere.
I have a lot of work to do! Wish me luck. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know! I may be putting stuff up here that I want to get rid of so keep a lookout for it.
Like I Said Before

I Have Been Quoted Yeah!
The Million Dollar Savings Club
Saving money is so hard for me. But this guy is right. It needs to become a habit. I have also heard about the Latte Factor from another financial guru I cant name of the top of my head. The concept of the Latte Factor is that if we invested the $3.50 or more a day that we spend at Starbucks we could all retire in 10 years. Its true add it up. I found out that I was spending almost $75 a month on frappacinos! No wonder I cant pay my credit card bill. I was also spending $5-$9 a day on food. That's about $100 bucks a month. Yes I know I have to eat but that sandwich that I spent five bucks on, I could have made it at home for $.25! Probably would taste better too.
So join the Million Dollar Club. Check out the rest of his site too. Its full of great tips!
Live happy and be RICH
Revenge of a Middle Age Women Review
This is about a women who is happily married to a good man then suddenly he decided that he has fallen in love with another women. He moves out and she is left to cope.
I think this would be a great book for any women going through a breakup. Rose, the main character, loses everything and still picks up the pieces of her life and moves on to become a better and happier person.
The beginning of the book was slow and there were other parts that were a little slow but overall I enjoyed this book and found it inspiring and entertaining.
Next on my list is Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes
Inspiration From Song
Anyway, she sings about how her life is a book and everyday is a blank page. Instead of allowing others to fill her page, she does it herself. She fills the pages of her life with happy things. She takes risks, embraces simple pleasures and unexpected happenings. At the end, her life will have been an interesting adventure instead of a book that is never read or quoted.
Life should be lived this way. Too many people sit around and complain about their situation instead of taking the initiative to make it better. Even if a situation seems out of your hands changing your perspective can make a huge difference and perhaps even provide new solutions. Change your perspective today.
I Love To Sew

Cowboy and I about 3 years ago. Don't I look terrific! Wish I knew it then.

Hottie Husband

This is my hubby shooting at a native american archery demo. Isnt he handsome with a bow and arrow? Thats one of our horses, Trouble. Yes he is Trouble too. Damn thing threw me a couple months ago and I couldnt walk for a week. The funny thing about horses is that when you look them in the eyes you swear that they are speaking right into your brain. Telepathy? Maybe. Honestly I think that its entirly possible. I mean we only use 10 % of our brains right? What does the other 90% do?
Ok trying a Meme
1. Take a walk through your kitchen. Come up with at least seven appliances or electric gadgets that you'd hate to be without when you have kitchen duty for any reasonable length of time.
For me this would include:
1. Can Opener
2. Microwave
3. Old fashion teapot
4. Dishwasher
5. Fridge
6. Garbage Disposal
7. Stove
2. You've chosen to open a mini-version of Baskin-Robbins. Instead of thirty-one flavors, you're limited to seven. Which favorite flavors would you choose?
1. Mint Chocolate Chip
2. Fudge Brownie
3. Cookies and Cream
4. Chocolate Chip
5. Raspberry Sorbet
6. Germanchokolatecake from Coldstones Ice Creamery
7. Vanilla Bean
Ok now its really late and Cowboy is fast asleep on the couch. I think I will read a bit of The Shadow Sorceress and then go to bed.
Late Night Bordom
On another note, I bought some batting for the purple quilt I am making. I just have to figure out what I want the back to look like. Then I can start quilting. I will post some pics as soon as I am able. I think I will borrow my neighbors camera. I also bought a new book called Sew U. It is a really great book and it is written in a fun and easy to read format. Its the first sewing book that I have really liked.
I am planning on making several of the patterns that are in the book. It comes with a skirt, shirt, and a pant pattern. Then she has directions for several variations of each. I want to start on them but I need to wash the fabric.
I think I will go read the pattern again and maybe cut it out. I don't know if I want to do it tonight. Its almost midnight.
Camera Problems
And to finish it off, our VCR broke today. UGGG
Fabulous Fall
I adore fall. It is my favorite season of all seasons. I can break out my soft sweaters, hot cocoa (sometimes with Baileys or Schnapps), I can turn on the fireplace and watch the clouds roll in another thunderstorm. Growing up in the desert makes a person love the rain. I worship every drop of moisture that falls from the sky. The scent makes my body tingle with anticipation and excitement builds until I hear the first crack of thunder and a massive forked bolt of electricity arcing across the sky and often hitting the sun baked earth. Usually one or two, very necessary, fires start this way.
In the mornings I have been treasuring the smell of the air. I wrap myself up in my wine red cardigan and sit on the porch with some earl grey, absorbing the smell of fresh air, damp earth and the quiet sounds of the morning.
I have to work today. Not until 5pm though. I plan on going to Target and shopping for an inexpensive camera for blog picture taking. I miss taking photos. Especially in fall. Fall is my most favorite time for photographs.
More updates and hopefully photos later.
Excitement and Ideas
I have an idea. I guess there is a way to sell stuff on blogger. Well I am going to make clothes to sell on blogger. My own designs. I have been designing clothes in my head and in drawings since I was little. I remember designing dresses and shirts when I was about 12. I love it. Oh I cant wait to get started!
I am also going to be buying a small camera so I can put more pics on this blog. I am going to need on for selling and I want to put some of my beautiful photography on the blog.
Lastly, I had a terrific conversation with a co worker today. He is a total gym rat and has been training as a personal trainer for a while. He is willing to help me get back into shape. I need to get a membership to his gym, but its not that expensive so I don't think it will be a problem. I miss going to the gym. It wasn't all the sweaty bodies, or even working out that I liked. It was a time where I could do nothing but think. I relaxed, got into the rhythms. About 5 years ago I went to the gym 4 days a week. I did yoga 2hours 2 times a week and I did cardio and strength training. I loved it. I felt great and I was happy. I want that back.
Today was an exciting day.
I cant sleep.. its 2:09 am. I am going to read a bit and drink some tea. Maybe that will help.
Knitting for Like
The new Knitty Fall 2006 came out today. I really like this online mag for knitters. It has great modern patterns for young, old, skilled, and beginners. I think it is a wonderful resource. I want to try Intolerable Cruelty, an absolutely to die for skirt. Lizard Ridge, an afghan that has the most beautiful color patterns and I would adore looking at it for the rest of my life. Sox on 2 Stix, because I will never figure out socks on five sticks or two circs or anything other then 2 sticks (and it looks fast). Finally Back to School, because it introduces me to a washcloth pattern that is modern and not boring (shhh also because I seriously miss being in school and I cant wait to transfer). Unfortunately I will probably never do any of these projects. I don't have the patience. I have the same problem with sewing projects.
Life has been decent lately. Money is not tight, birthdays are around every corner in my family. I have been able to collect a few side jobs around my apartment complex to earn me extra money and I might go and pick peaches for a dollar a box. That will probably be my communion with autumn.
I love fall